how much do people sell oxycodone for on the streets

how much do people sell oxycodone for on the streets
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how much do people sell oxycodone for on the streets
31.05.2008 · Best Answer: usually the cardinal rule for all recreational pills is a buck a milligram maximum. if you are buying them, dont pay more than 1 buck a
A good surgeon can provide best quality of medical service and for that reason it is exercises or rushing around getting ready for your day. The hormone cortisol will
Q: How much does OxyContin sell for on the street? A: It varies depending on who is asked. OxyContin sells on the street for about $1 per milligram and between $40 to
Erowid Experience Vaults: Oxycodone. How much does oxycodone 30mg go for on.
some pple are different but i sell for between $4-$6 on average

07.04.2007 · Best Answer: Cost varies.except the cost of addiction, going to jail or possibly dying from fake drugs.end of lecture. And yes people sell them but